


Spend a weekend sharply honing your skill with the architecture 和 construction industry’s 最广泛使用的软件! This class is taught by a registered architect with expert-level underst和ing of Revit software 和 who has dedicated countless hours to finding out 如何充分利用Autodesk Revit. 任何使用Revit的人都会从中受益 为期两天的工作坊. 

On the first day we will take a deep dive into the ocean of Revit parameters 和 their massive effect on making a building model 和 drawings.

On the second day we will explore the uses of Conceptual Masses in the beginnings of projects 和 how they can empower masterful designs as a building project progresses.

所有这些都将通过真实的, modern architecture 和 construction business, where profit, data 和 repeatability 派拉蒙和熟练的设计是一起的吗.
If you work in Revit regularly, whether a beginner or a seasoned user of the software, this workshop will be a crucial step toward greatly boosting your proficiency!

接下来的研讨会定于5月18日举行 & 19, 2024





The intended audience is for anyone who uses Revit. 我的意思是:任何人. 专业人士, particularly entire businesses, may find the most immediate benefit from my lessons because they can put them into practice straightaway. 也就是说,很多企业都有 他们的既定工作方式,所以 学生, from high school into college, will have a hefty 和 powerful skillset in their 偷了我的工作坊后的口袋. 这将在它们稳步上涨时对它们有所帮助 进入管理岗位. 也 业余爱好者和其他人 who don't use Revit for a day job will find this helpful as well. 让我们改进 workflow of a whole generation of architects, engineers 和 construction professionals!

There are two workshops offered over one weekend in May:
> Parameters Deep Dive:  Saturday, May 18
> The World of Conceptual Masses:  Sunday, May 19

是的! Save $50 when you sign up for both workshops at the same time. *







Learning how to create different types of Revit Families. 家庭是个体 组成项目的对象. 本次研讨会将集中讨论已知的内容 as “loadable” Families, meaning those Families which exist as separate files outside 的项目文件(i.e. 建筑档案). 也许说它们是什么更容易 loadable Families, but are rather called “system” Families: the most common are walls, 地板、屋顶、天花板、楼梯和坡道. 我们不会主要关注这些 外围,因为它们与可加载的家庭有关.

Every project has a starting point, but some starting points are further ahead than 其他人. In this lesson we will explore an overview of the crucial pieces to such an advanced starting point, 和 will journey through some examples of which tools are key to use for preliminary designs, 和 how to harvest data important to the early 设计建筑的各个阶段.

Spend a weekend sharply honing your skill with the architecture 和 construction industry’s 最广泛使用的软件! This class is taught by a licensed architect who has dedicated countless hours to finding out 如何充分利用Autodesk Revit. 的人 uses Revit will benefit from 为期两天的工作坊, 和 registration is available 一天或两天都行.

On the first day we will cover the art 和 science of creating expert-level Revit 家庭的文件. On the second day we will go over how to set up a project to expertly 在早期设计阶段运用数据. 所有这些都将通过真实的, modern architecture 和 construction business, where profit, data 和 repeatability 派拉蒙和熟练的设计是一起的吗.

If you work in Revit regularly, whether a beginner or a seasoned user of the software, 这次讲习班将大大提高你的熟练程度!



You will leave with two benefits, one short-term 和 one long-term. 短期, you will have learned how to effectively make user-friendly parametric Revit families 你可以在你的Revit项目文件中使用. 长期来看,你会看到这些 families fit into a gr和 scheme of 如何使用 BIM-styled software, such as Revit, to maximize the efficiency 和 depth of your business’s or organization’s projects.
不是正式的,但从广义上讲,也许是. 课程不提供AIA学习 单位(陆). As for state professional development requirements, some states, 包括华盛顿州, use a broad approach to continuing education, so this may be an eligible entry for 这样的需求. Check with your state’s licensing department to confirm this before 把它列为职业发展活动. 此外,注册专业人士 should keep any emails confirming your registration for this workshop as proof of your attendance (in case you are audited by the DOL).
Even in this post-新型冠状病毒肺炎。 era, the benefits of learning in-person are many. 我是 taking this approach particularly because I want to have as much interaction 尽可能。, which will help the participants to leave with as much increased knowledge 和 skills 尽可能。. That said, this workshop is also a great case of “you reap what you sow.” To get the most out of this workshop, participants will need to speak up, ask questions, 并与老师和彼此互动.
Since this is an in-person event, there is limited space in the room. 同时,我想 to give proper attention to the questions 和 interactions of each participant, 和 giving such attention to a large number of people would make this workshop last longer 超过分配的时间.
Think of the idiom “you can’t see the forest for the trees.“这两者都是好方法 to underst和 the distinctions of ways to use Revit, 和 a way to show the benefits BIM思维模式. The trees are the individual actions done in Revit: with Revit, 考虑制作一个单独的家庭文件. 仅凭这一点就可以让一个人做一些工作 在Revit项目. However, the ability to “see the forest,” meaning thinking of 两者都是一个完整的Revit项目及其所有部分, future Revit projects, brings many more benefits which ultimately have the potential 提高工作效率和利润. 看到森林——拥有BIM思维模式——允许 您可以更充分地使用Revit提供的功能.